Penny’s By Plaza Flowers

Mother’s Day is one of the most important days in the year. It is a day to celebrate our mothers, grandmothers, and all the other women who have shaped our lives. But it can also be a challenging holiday for those of us who do not know what to get for mom! If you are like most people and need some help shopping for Mother’s Day Plants, look no further as our expert floral designers are eager to assist.



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Best Mother’s Day Plants

You can find a wide range of Mother’s Day plants available when shopping. Some of them are:

Gerbera Daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

Tropic Snow (Impatiens walleriana)

Dwarf Star Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis ‘Dwarf Star’)

The Gerbera Daisy is also known as Gerbera, which is an annual flowering plant with bright yellow flowers. It has large petals and leaves that are deeply lobed or cut into several parts. This variety grows up to 12 inches tall and 8 inches wide with small white flowers that bloom from summer through fall. The dwarf star hibiscus is a low maintenance plant that blooms throughout spring and early summer with red-orange-colored flowers about 3 inches across each bloom cluster on its own stalk above the foliage; it grows best in full sun but can tolerate partial shade conditions as well–just watch out for spider mites if you live in hot climates!

Tropic Snow impatiens are a bright and colorful variety of annual flowers that grow up to 12 inches tall and 8 inches wide with small white flowers that bloom from summer through fall. This is an easy-care plant that can tolerate full sun or partial shade conditions; just watch out for spider mites if you live in hot climates!

Best Indoor Mother’s Day Plants

  • Gerbera Daisy: This daisy is a great choice for indoor mothers because it is a flower that will last for a long time. It is also easy to care for, so if you are not the most experienced gardener, this plant is a good choice.
  • African Violet: African violets are another popular flowering plant that make great gifts for mom on Mother’s Day. They come in many different colors and sizes, so there is something out there for everyone!
  • Peperomia: If your mom loves plants but does not have much room in her home or office space, then peperomia would be ideal–they thrive even when they are only given indirect sunlight! Plus, they are super easy-to-care-for, so you will not have any problems keeping them alive over time (which means no guilt).
  • Succulents: Succulents are an excellent option for people who have a black thumb and cannot keep plants alive. They are hardy and do not require much care, making them perfect for busy moms who are always on the go. This plant is versatile and can be used as a centerpiece on a table or desk, or even just in a decorative pot outside.

Best Outdoor Mother’s Day Plants

  • Rose
  • Daffodils
  • Orchids
  • Lilies
  • Ferns

Gardenias and hibiscus are great for your mom who loves to garden! They are easy to grow and will multiply quickly, which means you can give her more flowers every year. If she does not have much space for a garden, these plants work well in pots on the patio or porch. Plus, they will last for months after Mother’s Day!

If your mom loves flowers but is not interested in growing them herself, consider gifting her some poppies or peonies instead–they both thrive outdoors without needing much care at all (and they look beautiful too)!

If your mom loves to garden, you have come to the right place! We have a wide selection of flowers, plants, and even some gardening tools that she will love. If she does not do much gardening herself, but still loves flowers, consider giving her some poppies or peonies instead–they both thrive outdoors without needing much care at all (and they look beautiful too)!

Flowering Mother’s Day plants are a great way to show your mom how much you care.

Some of these flowering plants include:

  • Geraniums (Pelargonium) – These flowering plants have long been used in traditional medicines and teas, but they are also popular for their colorful flowers that come in many different shapes and sizes. They grow best when planted in full sun or partial shade and need regular watering. If you have an indoor container garden, make sure to use a soilless mix with good drainage so that it does not get too wet (or else the roots will rot!). Geraniums can be grown indoors year-round as long as they get enough light — try putting them near a window where they will get plenty of sunlight during winter months when days are shorter than usual!
  • Fuchsias (Fuchsia) – These popular flowering plants are often used as indoor decorations because they are so easy to care for. They can be grown in full sun or partial shade and need regular watering. You will want to make sure that your plant is getting enough water, though — if its leaves turn brown or droop over time, then it probably is not getting enough water! If you have a small space, try growing them in an indoor container garden. They do best when they are grown in soil with good drainage, so make sure that your pot has holes at the bottom for water to drain out of!

Floral Gifts for Mother’s Day

Giving flowers as gifts for Mother’s Day is a great idea and there are many different ways to do it. You can give flowers in a vase, bouquet or pot. You can also give the plant itself or even just the cutting! Flowers are a great way to show your mom how much you love her and appreciate her hard work throughout your life. There are many different types of flowers to choose from, so you can easily find something that your mom will like. For example, if she likes roses then get her a bouquet of them! Or maybe she prefers tulips or daisies – whatever it is, it will be sure to put a smile on her face! If you give her some in a vase or pot, then she can keep them around for as long as she wants and enjoy looking at them every day!


We hope that this list of the best Mother’s Day Plants will help you find something special for your mom. She deserves it, after all!


Penny’s By Plaza Flowers Same Day Delivery Mother’s Day Plants & Dish Gardens

Penny’s by Plaza Flowers offers the best selection of beautiful, farm fresh plants in the greater Philadelphia area. We provide same-day plant delivery service. Our firm is one of the most trusted floral brands in the Philadelphia area. We were recently voted Pennsylvania Florist of The Year. If you are in the Glenside, or Norristown area in the future, please stop in and visit our floral design centers. The address for our Glenside flower shop is 263 N. Keswick Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038. Our primary phone number for that location is (215) 884-9130. The address for our Norristown, PA flower shop is 417 Egypt Road, Norristown, PA 19403. The main phone number for the Norristown floral design center is (610) 630-8825.

Our Mother’s Day plant collection is wonderful. We offer traditional flowering baskets, European dish gardens, and many other green and succulent plant options. The award-winning designers at Penny’s By Plaza are already hard at work creating our plants options for this year. Some of the most frequently purchased plants during Mother’s Day tend to be orchids and our gorgeous flowering baskets. If you do not see the exact plant, you are looking for in our Mother’s Day collection, we encourage you to call one of our flower shops. Our staff can custom design a gorgeous dish garden or flowering basket to meet your needs.

We provide same-day and express flower delivery service. Our delivery team is fantastic. These dedicated folks arrive at our flower shops very early each morning. They begin carefully loading floral bouquets for their first delivery run and are generally ready to leave our flower shops around 8:30 am each morning. Our goal is to have all deliveries to businesses and residential customers not later than 5:00 pm. During Mother’s Day, the sheer volume generated by the holiday requires that we expand those hours. Even with the increased volume, we back every single floral purchase with our 100% on-time flower delivery guarantee. We also back each bouquet with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

Mother's Day Plants


Flowering Plant Basket

This long-lasting, colorful gift is perfect for many occasions. Because the garden is designed with living, potted plants, it can be enjoyed much longer than cut flowers. Your designer will assort today’s best selection of green and blooming plants in a charming basket. Each one is unique, so colors and varieties of plants may vary. These combinations of tropical foliage plants and flowering plants, such as kalanchoe and violets, are commonly known as European gardens.

Choose the deluxe size for even more plants and greater variety from Pennsylvania’s Florist of The Year.




Trooper & Egypt Location

417 Egypt Road, Norristown, PA 19403 – (610) 630-8825


Wharton & Keswick Location

263 N. Keswick Avenue, Glenside, PA 19038 – (215) 884-9130


Special Events Office

1515 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19102 – (215) 985-2374 – (By Appointment Only)